
Monday, 19 November 2012

Hi friends Assalamu Alaikkum..

This is a blog presented for bringing awarness among the Muslims all over the world about the need of unity.Why we are standing still behind others? Did you ever think about the sacrifice that Our Holy Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) experienced during his life? He worked a lot to presnt The Meaning of "Lailaahillallah" but did you think that this Arabic word is unknown to Arabs well,No Because Prophet tries to address the meaning, the real soul of this word and he suffered a lot as we all know very well about the historical incidents that took place during his life time such as the tortures he had from the Quraish tribe,His migration from Mecca and all.He wants every Muslim in Jannah.So I request all the brothers and sister who are reading this article to say salam upon our Holy Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him)...

Say There is no GOD but ALLAH and Prophet Muhammed is Messenger of ALLAH
Ashhadu ann Laillahaillaaalla va Ashahadu anna Muhammad Rasullullah..

Sallallahua ala Muhammed Sallahau Alaihivasallam

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