
Monday, 19 November 2012

Holy Qur'an

Muslims consider the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, as the word of God and a Miracle.According to Islamic Faith, the Qur'an was revealed miraculously to Prophet Muhammed(PBUH) from ALLAH (God) through angel Jibril (Gabriel), as a perfect, verbatim copy of what was written in heaven and existed there from all eternity.Therefore the verses of the book are referred to as ayat which also means "a sign" in the Arabic language.Muslims therefore believe that the Qur'an is the same as was revealed to Prophet Muhammed(PBUH) in the year 610.In the Qur'an is stated an open challenge for anyone who denies its claimed divine origin to produce a text like it.
The Qur'an states that Muhammad was illiterate and neither read a book nor wrote a book and that he did not know about past events.Some Muslims believe that Quran is a "a miracle of eloquence" rather than a source of scientific revelation; they consider scientific miracles as Pseudoscience.
The claimed miracles in the Qur'an can be classified into three distinct categories: inimitability, scientific miracles and prophecies.

The belief that Qur'an had prophesied scientific theories and discoveries has become strong and widespread in the contemporary Islamic world; these prophecies are often provided as a proof of the divine origin of the Qur'an. The claim is that scientific facts exist in the Qur'an in many different subjects, including creation, astronomy, human reproduction, oceanology, embroyology, zoology, the water cycle, and many more.
One such claim is based on an interpretation of the passage in the Qur'an which states: "Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them and we made every living thing of water? Will they not then believe?"(H;Q) Muslims claim that the first part of the verse is referring to the Big Bang and the second part of the verse refers to the fact that all living things are made of water since and water being a necessary component for life.Muslims also believe that the Qur'an also refers to the protective properties of the atmosphere when it says, “We made the sky a preserved and protected roof yet still they turn away from Our Signs" (H;Q)In addition to this, Muslims believe the Qur'an mentions the rotation and orbit of the Sun and the Moon when it states, "It is He who created the night and the day, and the sun, and the moon; each of them swim along in its rounded course.

"a time is fixed for every prophecy; you will come to know in time". Islamic scholar Zaghloul El-Naggar thinks that this verse refers to the scientific facts in the Qur'an that would be discovered by the world in modern time, centuries after the revelation.[12]
This belief is, however, arguable in the Muslim world. While most believe and support it, some Muslim scholars oppose the belief, claiming that the Qur'an is not a book of science; Al-Biruni, one of the most celebrated Muslim scientists of the classical period, assigned to the Qur'an a separate and autonomous realm of its own and held that the Qur'an "does not interfere in the business of science nor does it infringe on the realm of science." These scholars argued for the possibility of multiple scientific explanations of the natural phenomena, and refused to subordinate the Qur'an to an ever-changing science.

 "ALLAH Loves those who act Justly" Holy Qur'an (5:42)

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