
Thursday, 22 November 2012

Serving Others

Serving Others
The emphasis in Islam is on being able to draw pleasure from being of

service to others rather than vice versa. The following part of a verse of

the Holy Quran delivers this message:

You are the best of the people by virtue of being of service to and
raised for the benefit of mankind; you enjoin good, and forbid evil
and believe in Allah.

This indicates that a Muslim is not given precedence over others
arbitrarily. Just to be a Muslim would not automatically imply that he
or she is better than others. One has to earn this title by being of
service to others so that the flow of favours is from that one to the
Defining the meaning of khair, which means both better and best,
the Holy Prophetsa once said: The upper hand is better than the lower
hand: the upper hand gives and spends, the lower hand begs and
In the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophetsa this
aspect is so highly emphasised that some Companions of the Holy
Prophetsa set new and lofty standards in this area of human excellence.
Not only did they endeavour to be of service to others but were
hesitant to receive and beg favours from others.
‘Auf Ibn Malik Ashja‘i relates: Seven, eight or nine of us were with
the Holy Prophetsa on one occasion when he said: Will you not make a
covenant with the Messengersa of Allah? We had only shortly before
made our covenant. So we said: We have made our covenant with you,
Messengersa of Allah. Holy Prophetsa repeated his question and we
made the same response adding: What covenant shall we now make
with you? He said: That you will worship Allah and will not associate
aught with Him, that you will observe the five obligatory prayers, will
obey Allah, and will not ask anyone for anything. Thereafter, I have
noticed that if a riding whip fell from the hand of one of them, he
would not ask anyone to restore it for him.

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