
Monday, 19 November 2012

Shi'a–Sunni relations

Sunnis believe that Abu Bakr, the father of Muhammad's wife Aisha, was Muhammad's rightful successor and that the method of choosing or electing leaders (Shura) endorsed by the Quran is the consensus of the Ummah, (the Muslim community).Shiites believe that Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) divinely ordained his cousin and son-in-law Ali (the father of his grandsons Hasan Ibn Ali and Hussain Ibn Ali) in accordance with the command of GOD to be the next caliph making Ali and his direct descendants Muhammad's successors. Ali was married to Fatimah, Prophet's daughter.

Sunnis follow the Rashidun "rightly guided Caliphs", who were the first four caliphs who ruled after the death of  Prophet Muhammad(PBUH): Abu Bakr (632-634), Umar ibn Al-Khattab (634-644), Usman ibn Affan (644-656), andAli Ibn Abi-Talib(656-661).Shia theology discounts the legitimacy of the first three caliphs and believe that Ali is the second-most divinely inspired man (after Muhammad) and that he and his descendants by Muhammad's daughter Fatimah daughter of Muhammad's first wife Khadija bint Kuwaylid, the Imams, are the sole legitimate Islamic leaders.

The Imamate of the Shia encompasses far more of a prophetic function than the Caliphate of the Sunnis. Unlike Sunni, Shias believe special spiritual qualities have been granted not only to Muhammad but also to Ali and the other Imams. Twelvers believe the imams are immaculate from sin and human error (ma'sum), and can understand and interpret the hidden inner meaning of the teachings of Islam. In this way the Imams are trustees (wasi) who bear the light of Muhammad (Nūr Muhammadin).



 May ALLAH show us the Right Path


While Shias and Sunnis differ on the nature of the Mahdi, many members of both groups, especially Sufis, believe that the Mahdi will appear at end times to bring about a perfect and just Islamic society.In Shia Islam "the Mahdi symbol has developed into a powerful and central religious idea.Twelvers believe the Mahdi will be Muhammed Al-Mahdi, the twelfth Imam returned from the occultation, where he has been hidden by God since 874. In contrast, mainstream Sunnis believe the Mahdi will be named Muhammad, be a descendant of Muhammad, and will revive the faith, but will not necessarily be connected with the end of the world,.

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