
Thursday, 6 December 2012



The Shari'ah puts extensive executive powers in the hands of the Khaleefah thus empowering him to
make radical and far‐reaching decisions in the long term interests of the people. There is a contract
(bayah) between the people and the Khaleefah, where the people pledge obedience and the Khaleefah
pledges to rule by Islam.
The Khaleefah is appointed by election in all but one exceptional emergency circumstance. The
present day constitutes such a circumstance ‐ a total absence of Islamic rule. Today the first person
who fulfils the Shari'ah conditions and acquires power in a Muslim country, where there is popular
support for an Islamic State, will automatically be appointed by the power brokers in the country. Whist
the situation for the first Khaleefah is less than the normal electoral ideal required by the Shari'ah, it is
the Shari'ah itself that mandates this exception.
Notwithstanding this exception, the mandate of the first Khaleefah will be based on the desire of the
people for Islam and his ability and political will to fulfil this. Should he fail to live up to this, the
Madhalim Court will remove him and fresh elections will be held.
He is appointed to a life term subject to maintaining certain conditions such as competence and
adherence to the Shari'ah. He is consequently protected from corporate lobbying and the manipulation
of international powers.
Since the Shari'ah has specified the solutions that the Khaleefah needs to apply, then in that respect his
job is more straightforward than that of rulers that use a fluctuating, ever changing set of solutions to
govern the country. The Khaleefah’s responsibilities are detailed exhaustively within multiple Shari'ah
evidences and the delivery of all the Shari'ah solutions in an optimal and effective way is ultimately the
responsibility of the Khaleefah.
He will appoint governors to run each province, the head of the judiciary, the head of the armed forces
and the head of the civil service.
With such a strong executive the Shari'ah puts strong constraints on him so that the benefit of a
strong, visionary leader can be maintained, whilst protecting against the ever present possibility of
the abuse of power and corruption.
Removing an incompetent ruler is straightforward.
A broad set of checks and balances will be set up to provide a strong counter‐balance to executive
SHARI'AH – The Shari'ah itself must be adhered to by the Khaleefah in his ruling. He cannot
make something prohibited legal and remain in power e.g. he cannot allow torture or run an interest
based economy and remain in power.
The Islamic Khilafah // A Manifesto for Change 14
UMMAH ‐ RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITIZENSHIP – The Shari'ah requires that the people are
educated as to the responsibilities of citizenship in that they should support the leader, account him
harshly if he strays from Islam and confront him if he openly abandons Islamic ruling. The citizens are
the first and last line of defence to protect the Islamic State and its solutions and they should see
themselves in this light.
the Madhalim judges have both extensive resources and powers to proactively scrutinise and remove
either the Khaleefah or his governors should wrongdoing be proved or to investigate any public harm
that has occurred as a result of decisions made by the ruling apparatus. The Khaleefah is not permitted
by the Shari'ah to interfere in the Madhalim process when the Khaleefah himself is the subject of the
SCHOLARS/ULEMAH – Independent scholars provide Islamic rulings and their discussion is not
under the jurisdiction of the Khaleefah. The Ulemah are fundamentally charged to scrutinise and
correct the Khaleefah on his understanding and adoption of the Shari'ah rules.
THE COUNCIL OF THE UMMAH – The Shari'ah mandates that the Khaleefah seeks consultation
from the people. The Council of the Ummah constrains the Khaleefah in his decision making on a wide
variety of issues including his selection of staff such as governors, civil servants and assistants. This
provides a strong check and balance against a trend to tyranny, corruption or incompetence.
POLITICAL PARTIES – an unrestricted number of political parties, that support the principle of
the Islamic system, are encouraged to form and to acquire seats in the Council of the Ummah in order
to account the Khaleefah and offer consultation.
INDEPENDENT MEDIA ‐ Media organisations should view scrutiny and accountability of
government as one of their central roles.

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