In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Dear brothers, let us discuss today the human aspect of the Prophet’s character, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
What we observe in prophet Muhammad:
1. His mercy:
His merciful heart was always aware of the pain felt by others; he
used to know other people’s aims and would try to help in their efforts
to achieve them; he was always ready to take care of and support them.
2. His strife to eliminate social discrimination:
He sent messages to many kings of his time asking them to cast away
their false arrogance; he listened kindly and patiently to a barefoot
Bedouin who said (he was busy dividing the spoils equally among people):
“O Muhammad! Be fair to me! This wealth is neither yours nor your
3. His gracious worship:
He was a worshipper constantly turning to Allah. On one occasion,
while leading a prayer as imam, he was reciting in a state of exultation
a long surah from the Noble Qur’an which was more precious to him than
all the gold of the earth, when he heard an infant whose mother was
praying behind him in the mosque crying, so he sacrificed his feeling of
profound delight and happiness and ended the salah hastily out of mercy
for the infant weeping for his mother.
4. His forgiving disposition:
Those who waged war against him brimming over with bitter hatred, to
such an extent that they horribly mutilated the corpse of his uncle
Hamzah, the martyr, and chewed his liver in a fit of fierce and brutal
rancor, and who were eventually brought before the Prophet in total
submission, were told in spite of the fact that they were at his mercy:
Go! For you are all free!
[The Prophet's Biography]
5. His modesty:
In their travels, he used to collect firewood for his companions in
order to cook their food; he made sure that no distinctions should be
drawn between him and them; he used to milk his sheep, to sew his
clothes, and to mend his shoes.
6. His all-encompassing mercy:
He used to be upset on seeing an overburdened draught-animal.
7. His justice:
In spite of his holding the position of the highest authority, he stood forth before the people and said:
He whose back I have ever whipped has here my back to whip in retaliation
Some outstanding examples of the Prophet’s mercy:
Dear brothers, one of the remarkable examples of the Prophet’s mercy is that he said about himself:
I am but a mercy granted by Allah the Almighty
[Al-Hakim, on the authority of Abu Huraira]
1. Allah’s Mercy is related to our mercy toward each other:
The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, has transmitted to us from Allah the Almighty in a hadith qudsi:
If you want My Mercy, then be merciful to each other
[Ad-Daylami, on the authority of Abu Bakr]
He has also made clear that Allah the Almighty will have mercy on
those who are compassionate, and has instructed the believers to show
mercy at all times. He said:
Have mercy on those that are on the earth, and He Who is in Heavens, will have mercy on you
[At-Tirmidhi, on the authority of Abd-Allah bin Umar]
2. Mercy is better than excess in worship:
The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, clarified that
being merciful is better than going too far in worship. Once in
Ramadan, on his way to Mekka in the year of the Conquest he fasted on
having reached the place called Kuraa Al-Gamim, so people fasted as he
did. He felt, however, that fasting was too hard for some on account of
the difficulties of travelling, so he ordered a cup of water, raised it
for everybody to see, and then drank it (he broke his fast in front of
all the people for them to imitate him). Hearing that some were still
fasting, he said:
Those are the disobedient
[Muslim, on the authority of Jabeer]
3. Mercy to parents:
Once a man came hastily to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, looking delighted at the prospect of pledging his
allegiance to him and to the fight for the Sake of Allah the Almighty.
He said: “O Messenger of Allah! I have come to you to pledge myself to
emigrate with you and to jihad, and I left my parents crying (for me).
The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said to him:
Go back to them, and make them laugh as you have made them cry
[Al-Nasai, on the authority of Abd-Allah bin Umar]
The trace of a smile on the lips of a compassionate father or of
that spreading over the face of an anxious mother was invaluable in the
sight of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. That’s
why, when jihad for the Sake of Allah and to spread Islam to distant
places would have been at the expense of being merciless to one’s
parents, it would have implied being disobedient to them. Hence, the
Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, emphasized so much the
necessity of being kindhearted.
4. Mercy to the debtor in difficulty:
As for those poor people who were forced by the circumstances to run
into debt, and then found themselves unable to pay it off due to their
limited income and suffered because of their situation –the Prophet, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace, would give ease to their plight by
asking the creditor to be lenient with the debtor. Although he used to
safeguard people’s rights, (in such case) he granted the creditor his
intercession (on the Day of Resurrection), as well as his heart and love
on account of his being lenient and patient with the debtor until the
debt could be liquidated.The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
He who gives a respite to a debtor in hardship or
releases him (of his debts) will be overshadowed by Allah’s Throne on
the Day when there will be no shade but His
[Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi, on the authority of Abu Huraira]
He also said:
Let him who wants Allah to answer his call and relieve his distress give respite to a debtor
[Ahmad, on the authority of Ibn Umar]
5. Any merciful deed is an act of worship:
The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, considered
mercy the best of human virtues and deemed any merciful deed to be one
of the purest acts of worship. Thus, the Prophet, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace, told us that Allah the Almighty considers being
merciful to others an act of worship done for His Sake; so if you visit
the sick or feed the hungry, it is as if you were doing a favor to Allah
the Almighty.The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, has transmitted from Allah Most High in a hadith qudsi:
O son of Adam! I was ill, but you did not visit Me! He
responds: O Lord! How could I have visited You, the Lord of all the
Worlds?! Allah says: Did you not know that My slave so-and-so was ill,
but you did not visit him? Did you not know that if you had visited him,
you would have found Me with him? O son of Adam! I asked you to feed
Me, but you didn’t. He responds: O Lord! How could I have fed You, the
Lord of all the Worlds? Allah says: Did you not know that My slave
so-and-so asked you to feed him but you did not feed him?! Did you not
know that if you had fed him, you would have found that (which you gave)
with Me?
[Muslim, on the authority of Abu Huraira]
6. The Prophet’s illustration of Allah’s Mercy:
The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, illustrated
Allah’s Mercy in a wonderful way: He saw a mother taking her baby into
her arms with profound tenderness and mercy, so he turned to his
companions and asked them:
Do you think that that woman could ever cast her baby
in the fire? They answered: Never, O Messenger of Allah! He added:
Verily, Allah is far more merciful to His servant than this woman to her
[Al-Bazzar, on the authority of Umar bin al-Khatab]
He firmly refused to be distinguished among people:
Dear brothers, once a Bedouin came to the Prophet, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace, asking him in a harsh and rude manner to
increase his portion of the spoils. He said: “O Muhammad! Be fair to
me!” The Prophet just smiled and said:
Woe unto you, O Bedouin! If I weren’t just, who else would be?
[Muslim, on the authority of Abu Said Al-Khadri]
Dear brothers, that Bedouin’s bold behavior reflects the reassurance
he felt, and at the same time the Prophet’s justice because had the
Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, been a deadly feared
tyrant, that Bedouin would not have had the nerve to say such words.
Thus, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, made sure no
marks of honours distinguished him from his people. Once, a stranger
entered the gathering where the Prophet was present and on seeing him
felt his tremendous dignity so deeply that he trembled all over. So the
Prophet patted is shoulder tenderly and pronounced the well-known words
pointing clearly to his extraordinary modesty:
Relax! I am not a king! I am only the son of a Quraish woman from Mekka, who used to eat al-qadeed (dried meat)
[Ibn Majah, on the authority of Ibn Mas'ud]
The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was in a
position to exact distinction for himself on account of his excellence,
but he preferred to live among people as an ordinary man.When a Bedouin said to him rudely “O Muhammad! This wealth is neither yours not your father’s” and Umar wanted to punish him, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
O Umar! Leave him! A rightful claimant has the right to speak.
Some impressive examples of the Prophet’s love:
Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was loving
and friendly; he exceedingly obeyed Allah out of his great love for
Him; he was good to people because he loved them; he loved the great
things and he hated the silly and bad ones. Dear brothers, here are some
outstanding examples of the Prophet’s love.
1. His love for his Lord:
He used to perform prayers out of his great love for Allah Most High,
not only as a duty; he would prolong his prostration, his heart beat
rapidly and the people around him could hear him sobbing softly on
account of his being overwhelmed by the deep longing and profound love
for his Lord.He used to wait for the prayer with deep yearning, and when its time came, he used to say to Bilal (the muezzin, the one who calls to prayer):
O Bilal! Comfort us with it (prayer)!
[Abu Dawood, on the authority of Salama bin Abu Ja'id]
Thus, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to
find comfort while performing salah; he was not waiting for it to end,
and that shows the big difference between performing salah out of love
and performing it as a duty.
2. His love for all people:
On the occasion of his stay in the city of Taif in order to call to
Allah its inhabitants, who reacted by disbelieving him, ridiculed him,
hurt him, and eventually encouraged the foolish ones to cause harm to
him (by throwing stones at him), he protected himself behind a wall,
raised his head to the heavens and invoked Allah saying:
O my Lord! If I have not incurred Your wrath, I don’t
mind what is happening; and reproach me until You are satisfied with
me, and Your (providing me with) health and well-being seems better to
[At-Tabarani, on the authority of Abd-Allah bin Jaffar]
He did not fear suffering or pain, what he feared was that Allah might have abandoned him.He then realized that the true believer should be able to find sacrifice sweet and forget all desire for well-being, so he made up his supplication saying:
And Your (providing me with) health and well-being seems better to me
Dear brothers, once, a particularly rude and harsh man came to the
Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. He had not met the
Prophet before but he had heard that Prophet Muhammad was cursing the
idols of the tribe of the Quraish and those of other tribes. He held up
his sword and swore to kill him. When he was shown into the Prophet’s
presence, he started to shout quite loudly. The Prophet, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace, kept smiling gently, and it took just a few
moments for that hardhearted man to melt with love for him and with
tender modesty, he bent over his hands and kissed them while tears were
streaming down his cheek. When he calmed down, he said: “O Muhammad! By
Allah, when I came to you, there was no one on the surface of the earth
whom I hated more than you; but now, when I leave you, no one on the
surface of this earth is more beloved to me than you.”What happened to him? He loved the personality of Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, with all his heart, so he abandoned his arrogance. The Prophet had a heart of gold and was kind to everyone, friend or foe, and whoever approached him was always deeply moved by the Prophet’s heart, so big and merciful. Actually, the Quraish did not understand the reason behind his influence over people’s hearts so they claimed that he was a sorcerer!
3. His recommendations with regard to love and affection:
Dear brothers, let us mention some of the recommendations of the
Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, as regards love and
affection:He said:
By Him in Whose Hand is Muhammad’s soul! You shall
not enter Paradise unless you are true believers; and you shall not be
true believers unless you love one another
[Muslim, on the authority of Abu Huraira]
He also said:
If one of you loves his brother in faith, he should tell him that he loves him
[Ahmad and al-Bukhari]
He also said:
If a man befriends another one as a brother in faith,
he should ask him about his name, his father’s name, and where he is
from, for this makes compassion stronger
He also said:
If there are three of you, let not two whisper
secretly (to each other) in the presence of the third, for that will
displease him
[Muslim, on the authority of Abu Rab'ia]
He also said:
He who forsakes his brother for a year, it is as if he has shed his blood
is sinful enough for you to keep quarreling
[Al-Bayhaqi, on the authority of Ibn Abbas]
Let the one (who has been) offered an excuse by a friend accept it, be it sincere or not
Shall I tell you who the worst people among you are?
They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah! He said: Those who never accept an
excuse or forgive a mistake
[At-Tabarani, on the authority of Ibn Abbas]
He also said:
Try to amend the relationship between people when it
gets broken, and to bring them close to each other when they are in
[Al-Bazzar, on the authority of Anas]
The Prophet’s concerns about his companions:
Dear brothers, here are some remarkable examples of the Prophet’s
concern about his companions: Uthman bin Madhun, one of his honourable
companions, wanted to devote his life to Allah and was excessively hard
on himself. He went actually so far as avoiding sexual relations with
his wife. One day, his wife visited Sayyidah Aisha, may Allah be pleased
with him, who noticed her careless dress and depression. When asked
about the reason, the woman answered: “My husband fasts every day and
prays the whole night.” Aisha told the Prophet, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, about her, so when the Prophet met her husband, he said
to him:
O Uthman! Aren’t I a good model for you to follow?
Uthman answered:
Let my parents be scarified for you! What have I done?
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
Do you fast every day and pray the whole night?
Uthman answered:
in the affirmative
and then the Noble Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
Do not do that! Verily, your body has a right on you;
and surely, your wife has a right on you, so give them all their due
The following morning, Uthman’s wife was seen adorned as if she were a
bride; women gathered around her and asked her about the reason. She
answered joyfully: “What happens to everybody has happened to us.”On account of his profound humanity, the Prophet could not endure the feelings of a neglected wife, so he reminded her husband of her right on him.
Indeed, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, cared a lot about his companions, and what follows is one of his sayings that confirms this fact:
Helping a brother of mine in faith to satisfy his need is more beloved to me than doing i’tikaaf in my mosque for a month
He was once asked:
O Messenger of Allah! Who are the most beloved ones
to Allah? He answered: The most beloved to Allah of all people are those
who do most good to mankind
[Tabarani, on the authority of Ibn Umar]
He also said:
Allah has created some people who dedicate their lives to serving others; those people are secured from His Punishment
[At-Tabarani, on the authority of Ibn Umar]
Allah will raise the rank in Paradise of whoever acts
as a mediator between his brother in faith and a powerful man in a
righteous matter or a matter that brings comfort
[At-Tabarani, on the authority of Abu Darda]
Some people are singled out by Allah for His Favors
for the benefit of His servants. He is pleased with them so long as they
give them (such Favors to His servants). But if they withhold them,
Allah will deprive them thereof and grant them (such Favors) to other
[Shu'ub Al-Imaan, on the authority of Ibn Umar]
Whoever appoints someone to a position while there
are people who are worthier than him in the Sight of Allah of that
position has breached the trust of Allah, of His Messengers and of the
[Al-Hakim, on the authority of Ibn Abbas]
Allah will ask every custodian about his charge as to whether he guarded (it) or lost (it)
[An-Nasai, on the authority of Anas]
Dear brothers, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
was considered in the sight of the unbiased non-believers the first of
the one hundred most relevant men in the history of mankind, in terms of
the strength of his influence, its type, its duration, and its
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