
Wednesday, 26 December 2012

The Universal Humanity in Islamic Societies

The Universal Humanity in Islamic Societies

Islam has supported its theoretical consideration and practical plans with the spreading of the best of human sentiments in the hearts and souls. These feelings of love of the good for mankind and the attitude of altruism,even at the time of need:
‘And give they preference over themselves, even though they were in need of that
(which they have given). And whosoever is saved from his own covetousness, such
are they who will be the successful.’
(Surat-al-Hashr (59), ayah 9)

‘And do good. Truly Allah loves the good-doers.’
(Surat-al-Baqarah (2), ayah 195)

‘We shall not suffer to be lost the reward of anyone who does his (righteous) deeds in
the most perfect manner.’
(Surat-al-Kahf (18), ayah 30)

‘Verily, Allah enjoins justice and Righteous deeds’
(Surat-an-Nahl (16), ayah 90)
The ordaining of good-deeds is not restricted only to dealings involving other humans, but it extends to include our dealings with animals as well. For, the doors of paradise are opened to he who gives water to the thirsty dog, and hell swallows a women for imprisoning a kitten - not feeding it nor allowing it to even feed itself. Manyother examples are narrated in the Hadeeth to the extent that the companions of the Prophet (PBUH.), in utter amazement once said: "Is it so that in the good treatment of animals there is a reward for us, O Prophet of
Allah?", "Yes, in the kind treatment of every ‘soft livered’ being, there is a reward for you." (Narrated by
There is no doubt that these compassionate virtues cultivate, the qualities of love and lead one to appreciatethe value of universal brotherhood.
The Universal Humanity in Islamic Societies
History tells us that the Islamic society prospered with the implementation of these values in all the generations in which the message of Islam flourished, and where the believers practised it correctly. For instance, at the time of the Prophet, Salmaan the Persian was side by side with Suhaib the Roman next to Bilaal the Abbysinian and with them Abu Bakr the Quraishite, all bound together with the brotherhood of Islam:
‘And remember Allah’s favour on you, for you were enemies one to another, but he
joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren.’
(Surat-aal-Imran (3), ayah 103)
They knew not any of this ethnic racism except on the day when they had no belief in true Islamic teachings andwere surrounded with the evils of blind ignorance.
The World of Today
Following the Second World War, the leaders of the world promised universal brotherhood and called for aunified happy world. One which would be overwhelmed with peace, justice, freedom and prosperity. Have theyachieved any of that, or even sincerely tried? And has the United Nations attempted to equate the sons of SouthAfrica, or forced America to overcome discrimination on the basis of colour? Nothing of the sort has been done,and nothing will be done until all souls are cleansed with the pure water of divine revelation, and nourished fromthe bounties of faith, and become sincere to Islam - the religion of brotherhood, unity, humanity and peace:
‘In this, there is a message to a worshipping people. And we have not sent it except as
                                                             a mercy to the words’

a mercy to the words’

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