
Sunday, 27 September 2015



One day, Abraham asked Allah to show him how He revived the dead. Allah asked
Abraham, "Haven't you believed?" Abraham told Him that it wasn't that, rather, it was
just to satisfy his heart. So Allah told him to take four birds, sacrifice them, then cut them
into pieces and mix their bits and pieces together then go to the neighboring hills and
place some of the mixed pieces on each of them. Allah told Abraham that after he had
done this to call the birds and their severed parts would reassemble and fly to him.
Abraham did exactly as he was told, he sacrificed a peacock, an eagle, a crow and a
rooster, then, after he had mixed their body parts together he placed them upon the
neighboring hills, keeping only their heads with him. Once this had been done he called
to them whereupon their mixed parts were brought back to life, reassembled, and flew to
join themselves to their respective head that Abraham still held in his hand. Koran.
Now Azar was among those who refused to accept Allah as his Lord. Abraham asked
him why he was so devoted to the idols but Azar could offer no better reply than to say
that many people before him had worshipped them, and what was good enough for them
was good enough for him also. Azar became upset and embarrassed by his nephew’s
preaching and threatened to stone him if he persisted. Such was Abraham’s conviction
that he did not stop preaching and after a while, Azar realized that his threats were of no
use so he told his nephew he did not wish to see him again for sometime. As they parted
company, tender-hearted Abraham told Azar he would ask Allah to forgive him, and that
perhaps his Lord would accept his prayer. Abraham continued to preach against the
idols but the people continued to spurn what he had to say. After each refusal he would
ask them the same question he had asked his uncle -- what made them so devoted to
their idols -- but they replied in the same way, which was simply because their fathers
and ancestors had worshipped them. Some even accused Abraham of jesting with them,
but he swore that this was not so, and that without doubt their Lord and Creator is and
always had been the Lord of all that is in the heavens and earth, and that they should

No matter how hard Abraham tried they would not accept the truth, so he told them, "By
Allah, I shall outwit your idols as soon as you have turned your backs and gone." No one
took Abraham seriously so they left and went about their business. Some time later,
Abraham, unseen with ax in hand, entered the temple in which the most revered idols
were housed, and smashed all except the largest into pieces then left unseen. It wasn't
long before the idolaters returned to the temple and saw their gods lying broken into
pieces on the floor. There was an outcry of horror and those who had heard Abraham's
challenge immediately suspected him, and so he was summoned before them.
"Abraham," they asked, "was it you who did this to our gods?" Abraham replied, "It was
their great one that did it. Ask them if they can speak." The idolaters huddled together in
a corner knowing well in their hearts the truth of the matter and that Abraham had at last
succeeded in exposing the worthlessness of their idols. Begrudgingly, they admitted,
"You know they do not speak." Thereupon Abraham challenged them saying, "Would
you then worship that which can neither benefit nor harm you, instead of Allah? Shame
on you and that you worship other than Allah! Have you no understanding?" Koran,
Chapter 21:68


It was more than the idolaters could bear, their idols lay broken in pieces unable to do
anything for themselves. Outraged by the whole situation they cried out, "Burn him and
help your gods!" The idolaters hastened to build a huge bonfire with the intent of burning
Abraham to death, however, Abraham remained calm having complete trust in His Lord
and did not flinch. There was nothing that would tear him away from his belief in the
Oneness of Allah. Abraham was led to the bonfire and placed in its center, and the
kindling wood lit. It wasn't long until the flames leapt high into the air -- but not even a
single hair of Abraham's head was scorched. That was because Allah had caused a
miracle to occur. He commanded the flames to be cool and safe for Abraham and
eventually, when the fire had consumed itself, Abraham walked away unharmed praising
and thanking Allah for His mercy. Even though the idolaters had witness this great
miracle they continued in their arrogance and refused to abandon their idols. In their
hearts they knew that nothing they did would ever harm Abraham because he was
protected by Allah, so in desperation they banished him and his wife, Lady Sarah, from
their homeland.

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