
Sunday, 6 September 2015

Origin of Life

Origin of Life

The warm little pond that Darwin imagined as life’s birthplace contained a rich broth of
organic soup. Over eons, he hypothesized that they would gradually assemble themselves
into primitive organisms. For the next century, Darwin assumption was expanded by the
neo-evolutionists that decided that the pond was really the ocean and began trying to
figure out where the building blocks of life could have come from.
Most colleges and high schools textbooks in biology, zoology, and life sciences
present the origin of life from the evolutionists’ point of view. Life just started through a
series of happy coincidences that led to the development of the first living cell. Reading
these books, one would find a great deal of usage of speculative sentences like “could
have been”, “might have been”, “it was suggested”, and so on. However, the usual final
conclusion of this subject is that “life developed on Earth through a series of chemical
reactions that just happened when the circumstances were right.” This is part of the
brainwashing of the education systems that are mostly controlled by evolutionists. No
mention of the probability of the occurrence of a single step in this hypothetical scenario.
There is no mention of the fact that we do not know exactly the composition and the
environment of the early atmosphere. There is no mention of any suggestion that there
might be another alternative for the origin of life just in case that the hypothetical steps to
start life do not add up. The biggest irony is that the origin of life is presented as a fact
using doubtful languages!
Some scientists imagined that simple organic molecules produced in the early
atmosphere could have fallen from space during heavy rain. The origin of these molecules
could have been under the blazing skies of a faraway planet racked by volcanic eruption
and bombarded by comets and asteroids. It is hypothesized that the molecules reacted to
form more complex compounds such as fat, protein, and nucleotides. They were then
happened to sweep into the newly formed oceans.
What are the chances of the whole above scenario to happen in the above
sequence? Realistically speaking, not a single chance. However, in a science fiction
movie, a group of scientists traveled back in time to watch the formation of this organic
soup! The lightning and ultraviolet would quickly decompose any complex amino acids that
formed. Miller saved the 4 amino acids that he obtained only because he removed them
away from the discharges. Had he left them there, the discharges would have
decomposed them.

However, if it were assumed that amino acids somehow reached the oceans, then
under the surface of the water there would not be enough energy to activate further
chemical reactions. Water in any case prohibits growth of more complex molecules. Thus,
once the amino acids are in the water, they must get out of it if they are to form larger
molecules and evolve towards becoming proteins. But once they get out of the water, they
are faced with the destructive ultraviolet light again. In other words there are no chances to
reach this first and relatively simple step (getting the amino acids) in the evolution of life. It
is therefore difficult to see how polymerization (linking together smaller molecules to form
bigger ones) could have proceeded in the early ocean, since the presence of water favors
depolymerization (breaking up bigger molecules into smaller ones) rather than
polymerization. That is to say that water has the property of dissolving matter and not
combining them. This is one of the many difficult problems that encounter evolutionists.
To continue this science fiction’s scenario, groups of these molecules could have
come together in the oceans. Some kind of a membrane might have formed that kept them
separated from the surrounding water. The chemical surrounded by the membrane might
be called the first living cell on Earth! But this membrane is extremely complex, made up of
proteins, sugar, and fat molecules. The cell membrane includes channels and pumps that
specifically control the influx and efflux of nutrients, and waste products. These specialized
channels involve highly specific proteins, which could not have been present at the very
beginning of life. Other molecules outside the membrane might have been brought
together in a simple “life machine.” Some protein might have served as enzymes to
activate chemical reactions. Sugar might have been formed and used as a source of
energy. With energy from respiration that did not use oxygen, because it did not exist
freely, early living cells became better organized. Nucleic acids eventually took over
control of the activities (including reproduction) of these first cells.
It is also suggested that there was competition for energy sources between the
primitive cells. This struggle for existence might have led to the evolution of the first
producers. These are organisms that used photosynthesis to make their own food and
provided food for the earlier consumers. Photosynthesis would have led to the existence of
free oxygen, which in turn could have been used for respiration. As a result, more energy
would be available for other functions.
As you read the above sequence of hypothetical events that led to the first living
cell, you should ask yourself about the feasibility and the likelihood of each step. The
chance of composing a living cell in such a manner is equal to the chance of composing a

book by an infinite number of monkeys using an infinite number of computers in 10 billion
There are many unanswered questions that face evolutionists. For example, there
are actually over 100 amino acids, but only 20 of the 100 are required for life's proteins.
These amino acids come in two groups. Should they be formed at random, as in the
imaginary organic soup, it is most likely that each half would be from one group. And there
is no known reason why either group should dominate living cells. Yet, the 20 amino acids
used in producing life's proteins are from one group! It must be admitted that the
explanation of this problem still remains one of the most difficult questions. Evolutionists
just may never be able to explain it. What is the probability that 20 amino acids, of the
same group, would come together by chance to form a protein molecule? To have an
appreciation of this question, you may try the following experiment:
Mix a hundred grains of rice with another hundred grains of lentil. The rice represents one
group and the lentil represents the other group. Plunge a spoon randomly in the pile as
many times as you want. The objective is to get only 20 grains of rice arranged in a
specified place in the spoon. How many numbers of times you think it will take you to
achieve this objective? Do you think that it is even possible to do that? No. Then how
would it have been possible in the hypothetical organic soup?
To understand the meaning of probability of something to happen, assume that you
have 2 cards, 1 and 2, with faces down, and you want to get them in ascending order 12.
So, if you get 1 and then 2, you are correct. But if you get 2 and then 1, you are wrong.
Thus there is one chance in two that you get the right combination. This probability
calculation is based upon the assumption that once you get a wrong combination you do
not repeat it, because there is a chance that you may be unlucky and always get the
wrong combination 2 and then 1.
Now, assume that you have three numbers: 1, 2, and 3, and you want to get the
combination in ascending order 123. There are six possible ways to a combination: 123,
132, 213, 231, 312, and 321. Since you are required to get only 123, then you have 1
chance in 6 of success. The number of chances is obtained by calculating the factorial as
Number of combination to 2 cards = 2 x 1 =2
Number of combination to 3 cards = 3 x 2 x 1 =6
Number of combination to 4 cards = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 =24

Number of combination to 10 cards = 3,628,800
Number of combination to 20 cards = 2.43E18
Number of combination to 100 cards = 1E158
Now, assume that you already have the required 20 amino acids, and you just want to
put them in the right sequence in a single protein molecule. If each trial to arrange the 20
amino acids takes one second, you would require 2.43E18 seconds to do that. If we
assume that the universe is 30 billion years old, then this number can be calculated in
seconds as follows:
30,000,000,000 x 365 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds = 1E18 seconds
It is now obvious that the time required to arrange the 20 amino acids in a single protein
molecule (2.43E18 seconds) may be more than double the age of the universe! This is
without considering that the 20 amino acids of the same group, and there are over 100
amino acids.

According to Henry Morris in “Scientific Creationism”, the chance of even a
medium protein molecule forming at random in an organic soup is only one in 1E600 (one
followed by 600 zero!). In plain English, this mean that someone may try this 1E600 times
before getting a chance to succeed! Mathematicians consider this kind of a chance as
never happening. This number of 1E600 is larger than the estimated total number of
electrons in the universe, which is 1E80.
Yet another greater difficulties for evolutionary theory involves the origin of the
complete genetic code - a requirement for cell production. The old philosophical paradox
of "the chicken or the egg?" can now be stated "the proteins or the DNA?” This creates an
interesting dilemma that is expressed by Hitching as follows “Proteins depend on DNA for
their formation, but the DNA cannot form without pre-existing proteins.” Some evolutionists
think that they have the answer; they developed by chance together at the same time and
in the same place! Does this strike you as reasonable explanation even if this statement is
coming from a modern serious scientist?
It is obvious that the origin of life discredits evolution.

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