
Wednesday, 21 November 2012

In The Name Of Allah

In The Name Of Allah

The Qur'an. Also called Al-Qur'an which literally means, " the reading," or "the recitation". It is believed to be the "final and complete divine revelation superseding all the rest

" It is allegedly the pure words of Allah, "pure" in the sense that it  is "without admixture of human thought or content." It is not written in prose but in a memorable  form. According to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the angel Gabriel (also known to them as the Holy Spirit) dictated all the words to him and consequently being the Word of Allah it is Divine and without contradiction (4:82). However, as we find out in history, it was only after the death of Prophet Muhammad(, when the third caliph Uthman ibn Affan [there were seccessions of calips they were:
 (a)Abu Bakr as Siddiq,
 (b) 'Umar Ibn al-Khattab,
 (c) 'Uthman Ibn Affan ,
(d) 'All Ibn Abi Talib put up a final draft of the different transmissions among Muhammad's followers. 

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