
Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Islam’s Response to Contemporary Issues

Islam’s Response to
Contemporary Issues

Verily Allah enjoins justice and the doing of good
to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids
indecency and manifest evil, and wrongful
transgression. He admonishes you that you may
take heed.
—The Holy Quran, 16:91

Islam’s Contribution to World Peace

The word Islam literally means peace. In this single word, all Islamic
teachings and attitudes are most beautifully and concisely reflected.
Islam is a religion of peace. Its teachings guarantee peace in every
sphere of human interest and aspiration.
For today’s address, I have categorised some areas in which the
contemporary world stands in need of guidance:
1. Inter-religious peace and harmony
2. Social peace, in general

Surely those who have believed in Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)
as a Messenger of God, and the Jews, and the
Sabians, and the Christians—whoso believes in
Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, on
them shall come no fear, nor shall they grieve.
The Holy Quran, 5:70

Inter-Religious Peace
Examining the overall religious scenario, one cannot fail to notice that
in religion there seems to prevail a paradoxical situation today. In
general, religion is losing its grip yet simultaneously tightening it in
different areas. In some sections of society, in almost all religions, there
seems to be a powerful swing back in the direction of dogmas with
medieval rigidity and intolerance of opposition.
On the moral side, religion is on the retreat; crime is rampant;

truth is disappearing fast; equity and the deliverance of justice are on
the verge of extinction; social responsibilities to the society are being
ignored; and a selfish individualism is gaining strength in its stead even
in such countries of the world as would otherwise claim to be
religious. These and many other social evils, which are positive signs of
a morally decadent society, have become the order of the day. If moral
values in any religion form the life and soul of religion itself, then a
progressive strangulation of these values can lead us to the inevitable
conclusion that while the body of religion is being resurrected, the
soul is fast ebbing out of the body. So, what we observe in religion
today, the so-called revival of religion becomes tantamount to
resurrecting dead corpses so that they walk about like zombies.
In other areas long stagnation and a lack of exciting developments
generates boredom among religiously-inclined people. Miraculous
things, which they expect to happen, do not take place. The bizarre
phenomenon of supernatural intervention in world events to change
the world to their liking does not materialise. They want to see strange
prophecies fulfilled to give credence to their faith. Yet nothing
materialises. Such are the people who provide fodder for new cults,
which thrive on the humus of their frustrations. The urge to escape
from the past generates a desire to fill the void with something new.
Universality of Prophethood
The Holy Quran has the following to say in this regard:
We did raise among every people a Messenger with the teaching
‘Worship Allah and shun the evil one’.1
Secondly, the Holy Quran declares that: O Prophet(PBUH) of God, you are
not the only Prophet in the world.

We indeed, sent Messengers before thee; of them are some whom
We have mentioned to thee, and of them are some We have not
mentioned to thee.
The Holy Quran reminds the Holy Prophet Muhammed(PBUH) of Islam:

Truth, as a bearer of glad tidings and as a Warner; and there is
no people, to whom a Warner has not been sent.
In view of the above, it is manifestly clear that Islam does not
monopolise truth to the elimination of all other religions but
categorically declares that in all ages and in all parts of the world, God
has been looking after the spiritual and religious needs of mankind by
raising Messengers who delivered the Divine message to the people for
whom they were raised and commissioned.

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