
Thursday, 6 December 2012

Islam and unity of Muslims

Islam and unity of Muslims 


 “Hold fast together to Allah’s cord, and let nothing separate you. Remember the favour Allah has bestowed upon you; How, after your enmity He united your hearts so that you are now brothers through His grace, and how He rescued you from the abyss of fire when you stood on the very brink of it. Thus Allah makes clear to you His revelations so that you may be highly guided. Let there become of you a community that will be calling for righteousness, enjoin justice and forbid evil. They alone will attain success. And do not be like those who deviated and disputed after clear signs had come to them. An awful torment await them.” Q3: 103-105

Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I bear witness that there is God except Allah. I equally bear witness that Prophet Muhammed is His Messenger and Apostle. May Allah’s blessings be upon the Prophet, his household, companions and generations of Muslims till date.

It is mandatory for all Muslims to unite and become one. This may be done through worship, good behaviour, mutual love, loving neighbours and with no discrimination of colour, race or tongue. Islam does not accommodate tribalism. Islam commands that all Muslims should unite together in their conduct, speech and in all ways and there should be no difference between us, as Muslims. See Q 49: 6-13.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) set the similitude of Muslims as being like all the parts of the body of a person, whereby if one of the parts is suffering, other parts will not be at ease. This means if one Muslim faces a problem, other Muslims must be concerned and we must work hand in hand to get him out of the problem.
Allah orders us in Q3: 103-105 to hold firmly to His cord and must not allow nothing to separate us, while we should remember His favour bestowed upon us. If it has pleased Allah, He would certainly have made people, all of us, a single community as He states in Q11: 118-119.

It should be noted that there is only one way leading to Paradise and the way is Islam. You do not need to be looking for falsehood having seen the truth. What you and me need is to embrace Islam wholeheartedly. Then you keep obedience to all the laws of Allah as enuciated in the Qur’an, without distinguishing one from the other. It is not for a Muslim who intends to enter Paradise to discriminate against one law or the other. Whether it is easy or difficult, you must obey the rules and regulations of Allah in the Qur’an. Anyone who looks for another religion besides Islam, it will not be accepted from him, and he will be among the losers on the day of judgement. Q 3: 19.
It is not surprising that many Muslim associations are being established daily but what is most important is what the associations are doing. Think of the activities you carry out in your society/association, are they in conformity with the Qur’an, Sunnah and Islamic law? If not, then there should be amendment.
Shortly before the death of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) he delivered a speech, saying: “The Jews will divide into 71 sects. The Christians will divide into 72 sects. This Islamic religion will be divided into 73 sects. All will be in hell except one. People who heard this, with their hearts filled with fear asked: “Oh!
Prophet of Allah, which one is the only successful sect?” He answered: “They are those who follow my tradition.” 

They asked again: “How do we identify them?” He said,  “I am leaving with you two things, if you firmly stick to them, you will never go astray. They are The Book of Allah and my Sunnah.”
It is essential that every Muslim association or society should examine the way it does its worship to make sure it is in conformity with those two things left behind for us by the noble Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Anything different from the Qur’an and Sunnah is an innovation. Innovation surely leads astray. Anyone who goes astray ends up in hell fire.
We pray to Allah with the favour of His Oneness in His deeds, speech, names and qualities to make us all His righteous servants who will be obedient to His decrees and follow the Sunnah of His Messenger, and to move us away from going astray.

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