
Thursday, 6 December 2012

The essence of unity in Islam

The essence of unity in Islam 



Alhamdulillah Rabbil-’alamiin. All praise be to Allah and May His mercies and blessings be upon our noble Prophet; O”Muhammad and his households, his companions and all the believers till the day of Resurrection.
As a saying goes, unity is strength. When the sand grains unite, they become a vast desert. When the sea drops unite they become a boundless ocean. The conglomeration of stars in the firmament of sky soothes our eyes. The seven colors emerge in the shape of a bewitching rainbow. The unity of people makes an invincible strong nation. This is the reason Islam lays great stress on the importance of unity.
The unity of Muslims eagers to the hearts of believers who are loyal to their religion and their Lord, and sought to achieve the goal of all the preachers and reformers throughout history. No one doubts the greatness of unity, its mental and legislative importance, all called for by Islam and the elevation of pride and invincibility and fork for the Muslims, achieved in light of the unity. No one doubts that Muslims also live for centuries the caS8 of rupture and fragmentation and dispersion has gone and brought them their enemies, until it became the issue back to the Muslim community unified elusive goal in the eyes of some, and impossible in the eyes of others.
Today, new conditions are made available as a result of combination of awareness and challenging experiments, which augurs in a brighter Islamic condition. This must open up serious dialogue aimed at study the concept of unity, and the means of its achievement, and the obstacles that stand in her face.
What is the unity?
What is the Islamic unity? many imagine unity as (a general consensus of people in their doctrinal and worship affairs, and in all customs and traditions etc. This comprises Muslims all over the world under the banner of one government and one law, and one policy, and one system of political and economy. Or a fusion of the elements and nationalities in one human group and free of any difference. Such perception makes the fictional concept of unity impossible because it conflicts with the laws of God and common sense of human nature.

Let us return to Islam to look at the concept of unity in three areas.
1. the name is Islam launched Group of Muslims.
2. what Islam says on qualities and duties of this group. 3. the objectives of this group and its purposes.

And clear these three things as follows:
The Qur’an called this group Believers or Muslims as shown by the faith displayed by them. Also the Qur’an called this group the name “nation”. This name explains the concept of unity among the Islamic Group. The Holy Qur’an says: “This is your one nation, and I am your Lord, so worship Me” Q 21: 92 “And also made you a middle nation” Q2: 143 “And for every nation there is a Messenger” Q10: 47 “And verily We have sent among every nation a messenger” Q16:36.

These verses calling the followers of every divine religion, the name “nation”.
I - Faith:
A nation must posses a fundamental faith: - monotheism and prophethood and the hereafter. Denial of any of these assets or a lack of faith by an individual uproots him from the circle of Islam according to scholarly consensus, and the text of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

11- United followership:
The doctrine of Islam imbibes Salat, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj and Jihad all over the world. A denial of any of these acts by individuals renders him unbeliever.

111- Leadership:
The word “nation” includes the act of leadership. Leadership in Islam can be categorised into two: Silent and everlasting leadership and human and variable leadership.

The Silent Leadership is the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, and there is no Islamic sect who denies this leadership. The Book of Allah and Sunnah of His Messenger are important for the unity of Muslims.
The human and variable leadership has been found in the person of Prophet Muhammad (P B 0 H) who combined religious and political leadership in his life-time. Muslims believe in this. The difference appeared after the death of the Messenger of Allah (PBOH).
IV- Purpose or Goal
As said early that the concept of the nation includes the movement towards a single goal. And unity of purpose is like the unity of faith and unity of action and unity of leadership. All are the fundamental of Islam. (The Holy Qur’an emphasises the importance of goal thus: “You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind: you enjoin al-ma’ruuf and forbid AI-mukar and you believe in Allah...” Q3:110.

The objectives of Islam on individual Muslim on earth can be summarised as follows:
1 - Attainment of success on this earth and hereafter. That is why the statement that “you may be successful” is repeated in the Holy Qur’an after many commandments and teachings.
2 - Establishment and expansion of Islam on earth Allah says: “and all and every kind of worship is for Allah Alone” Q2: 193, and “that He may make It (Islam) superior to all religions” Q48: 28.
3 - Restoration of righteous servants of Allah on earth: Allah says: “... shall inherit the earth My righteous servants..,”Q21:105, “...and make them leaders and make them inheritors” Q28:5.
4 - Spreading what is good and removal of evil and corruption.
5 - To save the less privileged, Allah says: “And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allah, and for those weak, ill-treated, and oppressed among men, women and children...” Q4:75
6 - Unlocking the treasures of earth, for in-depth understanding of the greatness of the Creator.
7 - Removal of temptation from the earth: Allah says: “And fight them until persecution is no more and all and every kind of worship is for Allah Alone” Q2: 193.

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