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Welcome To Islam

Saturday 8 December 2012

Movements of Disunity

Movements of Disunity

The struggle between HAQ (right) and BAATIL (wrong) has always been part of human history. Started from Hadhrat Adam (May Allah's peace be upon him) this struggle is still going on. The forces of evil have never accepted the truth of Islam and they have always used their wicked ways to destroy this TRUTH (HAQ). The only way these forces could undermine this Truth (Islam) was to disunite its followers. The disunity among Muslims could only be achieved if some of the Muslims disconnect themselves from the following and obeying of Hadhrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him). 

Druze, Bahais and Ahmedies

The anti Islam forces have always supported the ideologies of those Muslims who tried to give "new" meanings to the Qur'anic verses or tried to undermine the honour of Allah's Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him). Al-Hakim bi-amr Allah in 1022 broke away from Shi'at Muslims and created his own religion which was later recognized as Daruzism. Al-Hakim bi-amr Allah had full support from the Jews and the Christians. They helped him in organizing and establishing his dynasty.
During early 1900 in Iran when Bahá'u'lláh claimed that the God has manifested in him and founded the religion of Bahaism. The western governments supported him. Many of his followers broke away from Islam and followed him. However, both of the above breaks from the Muslim community were not considered as major disunity among Muslims because both the followers of Druzism and Bahaism did not claim themselves as Muslims any more. They were considered as the followers of different religions. The entire Muslim Ummah remained united except few hundreds who converted to Druzism and Bahaism. 

One of the most recent attempts by the anti Islam forces to disunite Muslims was the establishment of another religion within the Muslim community called Ahmedism or Qadyanism. During 19 century in India a Muslim scholar, Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani claimed that he is the Prophet of Allah as well. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed and his patrons from the British Empire had learnt the lessons from Bahai religion. They saw that Bahá'u'lláh made a mistake by disassociating from Islam. The disassociation from Islam created a roadblock to convert Muslims from Islam to Bahaism. Bahá'u'lláh was able to attract only few hundred Muslims and most of his following came from the Christians, Parsees and Hindus. Therefore, anti Islam forces were not very successful in achieving their goal. They were expecting that Bahá'u'lláh will attract thousands upon thousands Iranians to follow him. Instead of this Bahá'u'lláh converted thousands of Christians, Parsees and Hindus towards Bahaism.
In the case of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed the anti Islam forces were very cautious. Therefore, Mirza Ghulam Ahmed claimed himself as a Prophet but under the Prophethood of Muhammad ibn Abdullah (Peace be upon him). This way he tried to keep himself and his followers associated with Islam and at the same time establish a new religion within Islam. This tactics worked very well and thousands of Muslims of Punjab (India) were deceived. They thought that they could get the worldly benefits by following Mirza Ghulam Ahmed and still remain Muslim. The British were the rulers of India and these poor Muslims wanted to get some benefits from these patrons of Ahmedism. The British were relatively successful this time and created disunity among Muslims of India. But this new religion, Ahmedism remained in India and Pakistan. Slowly Muslims of India and Pakistan were getting aware of the motives and beliefs of this new religion and the following of this religion started declining. In 1970s after a long struggle, the Ahmedism and Qadyanism were declared as non-Muslim faiths. At that time, the Ahmedees and Qadyanees started mass migration towards the western world where they received full protection. Although, the Muslim Ummah do not considers Ahmedees and Qadyanees as Muslims but Ahmedees and Qadyanees themselves still claim that they are Muslims. After the declaration of Ahmedism as a separate religion, the Muslims are united and they did not see Ahmedism as a part of Islam.

The Start of Real Disunity

After almost 13 centuries of Muslim rule, the focus of Muslim Ummah changed. What Qur'an describes the attributes of Muslims as, "They (Muslims) are very kind among themselves but very hard on Kuffaar". Muslims slowly adopted the opposite attributes. They became very kind to KUFFAAR and very hard and cruel to Muslims. Our religious leadership started focusing on minor issues. Instead of healthy intellectual discussions, our religious leadership started emphasizing on resolving the differences through force. Some Muslim scholars intentionally used Qur'anic verses and misinterpreted their meanings. Those verses which Allah had revealed in Qur'an to inspire Muslims to fight against Kuffaar, these scholars used those verses to create animosity among Muslim brothers. They made a Muslim an enemy of another Muslim by using Qur'an and Hadith.

Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab founded a new sect in Islam called Wahabism. The ideology of Wahabism was based upon the beliefs of Khwarij. In other words, the Wahabism was a revival of Khwarjism. Two very important factors played very important role in the success of Wahabism. First, the Makkah and Madinah both cities were in the control of Wahabi Imams who used the two holy mosques to spread their ideology on worldwide basis. They preached to the pilgrims and the visitors of these two holy cities. Muslims who did not know that the Wahabism is a product of the destruction of Ottoman Empire consider the Imams of these two holy mosques as sacred persons and followed whatever they preached. On the other hand the wealth of oil in the Arabian Peninsula brought job opportunities for worldwide Muslims and non-Muslims. When Muslims went to work in the region they thought that all of the residents of the Holy Land are true followers of Islam. 

They did not know that the present religious authorities of Makkah and Madinah follow a school of thought, which is against the consensus of Islamic scholars. This kind of so-called Islamic thinking in the Arabian Peninsula is different than the thinking of the Islamic scholars throughout the history of Islam. Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab organized and established this school of thought in the name of Islam that contradicts with the consensus of Islamic scholars such as; Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik, Imam Shafi'e, Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal, Imam Muslim, Imam Bukhari, Imam Tirmidhi, Imam Baihaqi, Hadhrat Fuzail ibn Ayaz, Hadhrat Junaid Baghdadi, Imam Asha'ry, Imam Jozi, Allama ibn Kathir, Allama Jalaluddin Suyyuti, Mulla Ali Qari, , Imam Ghazali, Imam Asqalni, Sayyidna Abdul Qadir Jilani and hundreds of other Ulema-e-Haq and Auwlia Allah.

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