
Sunday, 27 September 2015


After a long, tiring journey, Prophet Abraham and Lady Sarah reached Egypt and it was
there they decided to make their home. During their time in Egypt, Haggar, one of the
noble ladies-in-waiting in the court of Pharaoh, came to live in Abraham's household as
a companion to Sarah. Haggar was a sweet natured lady, she loved Lady Sarah dearly
and a very special friendship bonded them together. Idolatry was also commonplace in
Egypt especially in the court of Pharaoh but when Haggar heard Abraham speak about
Allah she was quick to recognize the truth and accepted it. In those days it was common
place for a man to have more than one wife and Prophet Abraham and Lady Sarah, who
were now elderly remained childless. Lady Sarah had given up hope of ever bearing a
child so she suggested to Abraham that he might like to take Haggar to be her co-wife.
Both Abraham and Haggar accepted her suggestion and shortly after Haggar became
his lawful second wife. The family's wish was fulfilled when Lady Haggar conceived and
gave birth to a fine son whom they named Ishmael. Lady Sarah was delighted and
happy that Abraham had at long last been blessed with a son -- little did she know at
that time that she too would be blessed in later years for her patience with a son of her
own, Isaac.
Throughout the centuries nationalistic Jews and Orientalists have sort to distort the truth
about Prophet Abraham’s legal marriage to Lady Haggar and the very close relationship
between Ladies Sarah and Haggar. Their object has been and still is to undermine the
great event which had been promised and recorded in the original, unadulterated Holy
Scriptures that announced the coming of Islam with its protected revelation, the Holy
Koran and the seal of all the prophets, Prophet Muhammad (sa).

Both the sons of Abraham were legitimate and destined to become prophets of Allah.
Ishmael was sent as a prophet to the Arabs and Isaac as a prophet to the Hebrews, later
on to be called the children of Israel and then Jews, peace be upon all the prophets. It is
from the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac that two great nations evolved each having
Prophet Abraham as their common ancestor. However, neither Jew nor Christian can
claim he was a follower of their religion as both prophets Moses and Jesus were sent
many centuries after the death of Prophet Abraham.

Before Ishmael completed his weaning, Prophet Abraham saw a vision in which he was
instructed to take Lady Haggar and their son to a place called Becca, in the peninsular of
Arabia, known today as Mecca, and leave them there. Mecca lies in a valley surrounded
by mountains and hills with three passes. One to the north, another to the south and the
other to the west. The valley had long been one of the most traveled caravan routes in
Arabia, however, it remained uninhabited largely because it lacked water. Upon reaching
Becca, Prophet Abraham settled Lady Haggar and Ishmael under the shade of a large
tree and gave his wife a large bag of dates and a water-skin full of water, then, turned
away and started to leave them. Lady Haggar followed after him and asked, "Abraham,
where are you going, are you leaving us in an uninhabited provisionless wilderness?"
She asked the same question several times, but Abraham did not reply. Then, searching
for a reason and knowing her husband would never do anything to earn the displeasure
of Allah she inquired, "Has Allah commanded you to do this?" whereupon he replied,
"Yes". So she comforted them both saying, "Then He will not let us perish," and returned
to her infant

At a place called Thania, Abraham stopped and turned his face in the direction of the
ruins of Ka'ba -- the first House of Allah to be built on earth -- which lay buried in the
sand. He raised his hands and supplicated,
"Our Lord, I have settled some of my offspring in a barren valley near Your Holy House;
our Lord, in order that they establish the prayer. Make the hearts of people yearn
towards them, and provide them with fruits, in order that they are thankful." Koran,
Chapter 14 verse 37.
Allah had promised Abraham that from his offspring would arise great nations, that is
why Abraham referred to having settled "some of his offspring" near Ka'ba. This
promised was fulfilled as it was from the descendants of Prophet Ishmael that Prophet
Muhammad, peace be upon all the prophets, was born. Lady Haggar suckled her infant
son and gave him water from the skin until none remained. It wasn't long until both were
very thirsty but she was more concerned for Ishmael. Lady Haggar could not bear to
have her son go without water so she searched frantically for some but could find none.
In desperation she climbed a nearby hill, the hill of Safwa, and stood at its top and

looked around in all directions to see if there was anyone in sight to help her -- but
there was no one. She ran back down the hill and in her anxiety ran across the valley
and climbed to the top of the neighboring hill of Marwah, but again to no avail. She ran
between the two hills seven times, but could find neither caravaners nor water.
Upon the seventh time she reached the hill of Marwah Haggar heard a voice. She
calmed herself and listened attentively, and called out, "I have heard Your voice, would
that my supplication might reach You." And there, standing near the place we know
today as Zamzam stood Angel Gabriel. Gabriel struck the ground with either his heel or
wings, and water gushed forth. Hastily, she dug a hole in the ground into which the water
flowed and filled her water-skin to the top as the water gushed forth with still greater
force. Quickly, she drank a handful of water and raced back to her son to give him some.
Then, Gabriel spoke saying, "Do not be afraid of perishing here, because it is here that
your son and his father will build a House for Allah. Allah will not let those around it



One day, Abraham asked Allah to show him how He revived the dead. Allah asked
Abraham, "Haven't you believed?" Abraham told Him that it wasn't that, rather, it was
just to satisfy his heart. So Allah told him to take four birds, sacrifice them, then cut them
into pieces and mix their bits and pieces together then go to the neighboring hills and
place some of the mixed pieces on each of them. Allah told Abraham that after he had
done this to call the birds and their severed parts would reassemble and fly to him.
Abraham did exactly as he was told, he sacrificed a peacock, an eagle, a crow and a
rooster, then, after he had mixed their body parts together he placed them upon the
neighboring hills, keeping only their heads with him. Once this had been done he called
to them whereupon their mixed parts were brought back to life, reassembled, and flew to
join themselves to their respective head that Abraham still held in his hand. Koran.
Now Azar was among those who refused to accept Allah as his Lord. Abraham asked
him why he was so devoted to the idols but Azar could offer no better reply than to say
that many people before him had worshipped them, and what was good enough for them
was good enough for him also. Azar became upset and embarrassed by his nephew’s
preaching and threatened to stone him if he persisted. Such was Abraham’s conviction
that he did not stop preaching and after a while, Azar realized that his threats were of no
use so he told his nephew he did not wish to see him again for sometime. As they parted
company, tender-hearted Abraham told Azar he would ask Allah to forgive him, and that
perhaps his Lord would accept his prayer. Abraham continued to preach against the
idols but the people continued to spurn what he had to say. After each refusal he would
ask them the same question he had asked his uncle -- what made them so devoted to
their idols -- but they replied in the same way, which was simply because their fathers
and ancestors had worshipped them. Some even accused Abraham of jesting with them,
but he swore that this was not so, and that without doubt their Lord and Creator is and
always had been the Lord of all that is in the heavens and earth, and that they should

No matter how hard Abraham tried they would not accept the truth, so he told them, "By
Allah, I shall outwit your idols as soon as you have turned your backs and gone." No one
took Abraham seriously so they left and went about their business. Some time later,
Abraham, unseen with ax in hand, entered the temple in which the most revered idols
were housed, and smashed all except the largest into pieces then left unseen. It wasn't
long before the idolaters returned to the temple and saw their gods lying broken into
pieces on the floor. There was an outcry of horror and those who had heard Abraham's
challenge immediately suspected him, and so he was summoned before them.
"Abraham," they asked, "was it you who did this to our gods?" Abraham replied, "It was
their great one that did it. Ask them if they can speak." The idolaters huddled together in
a corner knowing well in their hearts the truth of the matter and that Abraham had at last
succeeded in exposing the worthlessness of their idols. Begrudgingly, they admitted,
"You know they do not speak." Thereupon Abraham challenged them saying, "Would
you then worship that which can neither benefit nor harm you, instead of Allah? Shame
on you and that you worship other than Allah! Have you no understanding?" Koran,
Chapter 21:68


It was more than the idolaters could bear, their idols lay broken in pieces unable to do
anything for themselves. Outraged by the whole situation they cried out, "Burn him and
help your gods!" The idolaters hastened to build a huge bonfire with the intent of burning
Abraham to death, however, Abraham remained calm having complete trust in His Lord
and did not flinch. There was nothing that would tear him away from his belief in the
Oneness of Allah. Abraham was led to the bonfire and placed in its center, and the
kindling wood lit. It wasn't long until the flames leapt high into the air -- but not even a
single hair of Abraham's head was scorched. That was because Allah had caused a
miracle to occur. He commanded the flames to be cool and safe for Abraham and
eventually, when the fire had consumed itself, Abraham walked away unharmed praising
and thanking Allah for His mercy. Even though the idolaters had witness this great
miracle they continued in their arrogance and refused to abandon their idols. In their
hearts they knew that nothing they did would ever harm Abraham because he was
protected by Allah, so in desperation they banished him and his wife, Lady Sarah, from
their homeland.



Shortly after this Allah sent the Arch Angel Gabriel to inform Abraham that He had
chosen him to be His Messenger. Abraham was deeply humbled by the news and
Gabriel brought him, over a period of forty-two visits, ten Holy Scrolls. Prophet
Muhammad informed his companions later on that the contents of the Scrolls were
examples. Abraham's open rejection of idolatry caused a commotion, no one had ever
challenged the deity of the idols of Hara; to his fellow citizens the notion was deemed
blasphemous. However, Abraham was resolved, he had no doubt that Allah was the only
One to be worshipped because he was convinced that it was He alone who had created

Abraham tried reasoning with those around him in the best manner, but they refused to
accept his logic even after he had drawn their attention to the obvious fact that their idols
had either been hewn from stone or carved from wood by people such as themselves.
Abraham never stopped challenging his people and asked if their idols could do anything
else other than just stand motionless, year after year, in the same place -- the place in
which they themselves had been positioned many years before! He reminded his people
that the idols neither ate nor drank from the offerings placed before them nor could they
harm or benefit anyone. But still the people refused to abandon their idolatry. Over the
course of time the idolaters became outraged and told Abraham that it was he who was
wrong and that he must fear their gods. Abraham shook his head and asked, "And how
should I fear what you have associated when you yourselves are not afraid that you
have associated with Allah that which He did not send down for it upon you an authority.”
Koran, Chapter 6 verse 81

The news of Abraham's preaching reached King Nimrod who considered himself to be a
deity. Abraham feared no one except Allah, so when he was presented to the king he
challenged him saying, "My Lord is He who revives and causes to die." But the artful
king scoffed at Abraham and told him, "I revive and cause to die." The king knew exactly
what Abraham meant, but had tired to outwit him with his reply by referring to the power

he had as king to either spare the life of a guilty criminal, or put to death an innocent
person -- whichever suited his whim. Abraham challenged him yet again saying, "Allah
brings up the sun from the east, so you bring it from the west." This time the king knew
he had been revealed and the color drained from his face, and Abraham waited to see if
he would surrender to Allah but he did not and so Abraham returned home. Koran,
Chapter 2 verse 258



Prophet Abraham was born to honorable parents descended from Prophet Noah. He
was born in the city of Hara, Iraq during the reign of King Nimrod and is often referred to
as “The Friend of Allah” and "The Father of the Prophets". Before Abraham reached
maturity his father passed away, and as was the custom in those days, he would, out of
respect for his paternal uncle, refer to him as his father. There had been a void in
guidance since the death of Prophet Noah and the people of Hara reverted to idolatry.
Hara was renowned for its ornate, pagan temples and its citizens took great pride in the
idols housed within them. Offerings were sacrificed to the idols and ritual ceremonies,
wishfully invoking their favors performed before them. A lucrative commerce had grown
around the activities of the temples. Carved replicas of the idols were a much sought
after possession and it was to this profession that Azar, Abraham’s uncle, whom he now
called “father” directed his talents.


Abraham was unlike his contemporaries, he grew to be an upright, caring, young man
repulsed by idol worship and sought the answer to a question that had consumed him for
many years -- who was his Lord? In the process of his guidance, Allah in His Mercy
caused Abraham to contemplate upon the kingdoms of the heavens and earth. One
evening, as he gazed up into the night sky, he saw a planet shinning more brightly than
the others and exclaimed, "This is surely my Lord!" but, as the morning light came the
planet set he rejected his thought saying, "I do not like the setting ones!" On another
occasion as he saw the moon rise he said once again, "This is my Lord!" But like the
planet as the light of the morning broke it disappeared whereupon he said, "If my Lord
does not guide me, I shall be amongst the astray nation!" Then, when he saw the sun
rise upon the horizon he said, "This must be my Lord, it is larger!" But as it set he turned
to his people saying, "O nation I am quit of what you associate (with Allah, the Creator) I
have turned my face to Him who created the heavens and the earth, uprightly, and I am
not among the idolaters!" Koran, Chapter 6 verses 76-79

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Asslamu alaikkum everyone around the world

Here I am going to start a series

a series of life of our beloved Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)

Hope every one will like and and expect every one to interact and collaborate in the posts

The discussion will cover the entire life of prophet muhammed

His childhood

His Prophet hood

His family

His Society

His Kingdom

His Beauty

His Character

His death

Collected from various authors on the life history of Prophet Muhammed(PBUH)

and Important Hadees narrations are also included.

Origin of Life

Origin of Life

The warm little pond that Darwin imagined as life’s birthplace contained a rich broth of
organic soup. Over eons, he hypothesized that they would gradually assemble themselves
into primitive organisms. For the next century, Darwin assumption was expanded by the
neo-evolutionists that decided that the pond was really the ocean and began trying to
figure out where the building blocks of life could have come from.
Most colleges and high schools textbooks in biology, zoology, and life sciences
present the origin of life from the evolutionists’ point of view. Life just started through a
series of happy coincidences that led to the development of the first living cell. Reading
these books, one would find a great deal of usage of speculative sentences like “could
have been”, “might have been”, “it was suggested”, and so on. However, the usual final
conclusion of this subject is that “life developed on Earth through a series of chemical
reactions that just happened when the circumstances were right.” This is part of the
brainwashing of the education systems that are mostly controlled by evolutionists. No
mention of the probability of the occurrence of a single step in this hypothetical scenario.
There is no mention of the fact that we do not know exactly the composition and the
environment of the early atmosphere. There is no mention of any suggestion that there
might be another alternative for the origin of life just in case that the hypothetical steps to
start life do not add up. The biggest irony is that the origin of life is presented as a fact
using doubtful languages!
Some scientists imagined that simple organic molecules produced in the early
atmosphere could have fallen from space during heavy rain. The origin of these molecules
could have been under the blazing skies of a faraway planet racked by volcanic eruption
and bombarded by comets and asteroids. It is hypothesized that the molecules reacted to
form more complex compounds such as fat, protein, and nucleotides. They were then
happened to sweep into the newly formed oceans.
What are the chances of the whole above scenario to happen in the above
sequence? Realistically speaking, not a single chance. However, in a science fiction
movie, a group of scientists traveled back in time to watch the formation of this organic
soup! The lightning and ultraviolet would quickly decompose any complex amino acids that
formed. Miller saved the 4 amino acids that he obtained only because he removed them
away from the discharges. Had he left them there, the discharges would have
decomposed them.

However, if it were assumed that amino acids somehow reached the oceans, then
under the surface of the water there would not be enough energy to activate further
chemical reactions. Water in any case prohibits growth of more complex molecules. Thus,
once the amino acids are in the water, they must get out of it if they are to form larger
molecules and evolve towards becoming proteins. But once they get out of the water, they
are faced with the destructive ultraviolet light again. In other words there are no chances to
reach this first and relatively simple step (getting the amino acids) in the evolution of life. It
is therefore difficult to see how polymerization (linking together smaller molecules to form
bigger ones) could have proceeded in the early ocean, since the presence of water favors
depolymerization (breaking up bigger molecules into smaller ones) rather than
polymerization. That is to say that water has the property of dissolving matter and not
combining them. This is one of the many difficult problems that encounter evolutionists.
To continue this science fiction’s scenario, groups of these molecules could have
come together in the oceans. Some kind of a membrane might have formed that kept them
separated from the surrounding water. The chemical surrounded by the membrane might
be called the first living cell on Earth! But this membrane is extremely complex, made up of
proteins, sugar, and fat molecules. The cell membrane includes channels and pumps that
specifically control the influx and efflux of nutrients, and waste products. These specialized
channels involve highly specific proteins, which could not have been present at the very
beginning of life. Other molecules outside the membrane might have been brought
together in a simple “life machine.” Some protein might have served as enzymes to
activate chemical reactions. Sugar might have been formed and used as a source of
energy. With energy from respiration that did not use oxygen, because it did not exist
freely, early living cells became better organized. Nucleic acids eventually took over
control of the activities (including reproduction) of these first cells.
It is also suggested that there was competition for energy sources between the
primitive cells. This struggle for existence might have led to the evolution of the first
producers. These are organisms that used photosynthesis to make their own food and
provided food for the earlier consumers. Photosynthesis would have led to the existence of
free oxygen, which in turn could have been used for respiration. As a result, more energy
would be available for other functions.
As you read the above sequence of hypothetical events that led to the first living
cell, you should ask yourself about the feasibility and the likelihood of each step. The
chance of composing a living cell in such a manner is equal to the chance of composing a

book by an infinite number of monkeys using an infinite number of computers in 10 billion
There are many unanswered questions that face evolutionists. For example, there
are actually over 100 amino acids, but only 20 of the 100 are required for life's proteins.
These amino acids come in two groups. Should they be formed at random, as in the
imaginary organic soup, it is most likely that each half would be from one group. And there
is no known reason why either group should dominate living cells. Yet, the 20 amino acids
used in producing life's proteins are from one group! It must be admitted that the
explanation of this problem still remains one of the most difficult questions. Evolutionists
just may never be able to explain it. What is the probability that 20 amino acids, of the
same group, would come together by chance to form a protein molecule? To have an
appreciation of this question, you may try the following experiment:
Mix a hundred grains of rice with another hundred grains of lentil. The rice represents one
group and the lentil represents the other group. Plunge a spoon randomly in the pile as
many times as you want. The objective is to get only 20 grains of rice arranged in a
specified place in the spoon. How many numbers of times you think it will take you to
achieve this objective? Do you think that it is even possible to do that? No. Then how
would it have been possible in the hypothetical organic soup?
To understand the meaning of probability of something to happen, assume that you
have 2 cards, 1 and 2, with faces down, and you want to get them in ascending order 12.
So, if you get 1 and then 2, you are correct. But if you get 2 and then 1, you are wrong.
Thus there is one chance in two that you get the right combination. This probability
calculation is based upon the assumption that once you get a wrong combination you do
not repeat it, because there is a chance that you may be unlucky and always get the
wrong combination 2 and then 1.
Now, assume that you have three numbers: 1, 2, and 3, and you want to get the
combination in ascending order 123. There are six possible ways to a combination: 123,
132, 213, 231, 312, and 321. Since you are required to get only 123, then you have 1
chance in 6 of success. The number of chances is obtained by calculating the factorial as
Number of combination to 2 cards = 2 x 1 =2
Number of combination to 3 cards = 3 x 2 x 1 =6
Number of combination to 4 cards = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 =24

Number of combination to 10 cards = 3,628,800
Number of combination to 20 cards = 2.43E18
Number of combination to 100 cards = 1E158
Now, assume that you already have the required 20 amino acids, and you just want to
put them in the right sequence in a single protein molecule. If each trial to arrange the 20
amino acids takes one second, you would require 2.43E18 seconds to do that. If we
assume that the universe is 30 billion years old, then this number can be calculated in
seconds as follows:
30,000,000,000 x 365 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds = 1E18 seconds
It is now obvious that the time required to arrange the 20 amino acids in a single protein
molecule (2.43E18 seconds) may be more than double the age of the universe! This is
without considering that the 20 amino acids of the same group, and there are over 100
amino acids.

According to Henry Morris in “Scientific Creationism”, the chance of even a
medium protein molecule forming at random in an organic soup is only one in 1E600 (one
followed by 600 zero!). In plain English, this mean that someone may try this 1E600 times
before getting a chance to succeed! Mathematicians consider this kind of a chance as
never happening. This number of 1E600 is larger than the estimated total number of
electrons in the universe, which is 1E80.
Yet another greater difficulties for evolutionary theory involves the origin of the
complete genetic code - a requirement for cell production. The old philosophical paradox
of "the chicken or the egg?" can now be stated "the proteins or the DNA?” This creates an
interesting dilemma that is expressed by Hitching as follows “Proteins depend on DNA for
their formation, but the DNA cannot form without pre-existing proteins.” Some evolutionists
think that they have the answer; they developed by chance together at the same time and
in the same place! Does this strike you as reasonable explanation even if this statement is
coming from a modern serious scientist?
It is obvious that the origin of life discredits evolution.