
Friday, 2 October 2015



In those days, the ruins of Ka'ba were elevated on a piece of land covered by sand in the
shape of a mound, and when rain eventually fell it would run on either side.
Ishmael and his mother continued to live in Mecca by themselves until one day
caravaners from the tribe of Jurhum returning from Kada'a, struck camp a little distance
from the place where Lady Haggar had made her home. As the caravaners were
unloading their camels they observed birds circling in the sky not far away. Their
experience had taught them that birds circling in this manner might well indicate water.
Ever hopeful of finding a fresh supply of water in that desolate region, they thought it
was worth investigating, although from their past experience they had never found water
anywhere in that area. Several tribesmen were sent to investigate. When they reached
the place over which the birds circled, to their great surprise and joy they found the
spring of Zamzam and returned quickly to tell their fellow travelers. Upon hearing the
good news the caravaners stopped what they were doing and rushed to both see and
drink the fresh water.


When they reached Zamzam, the caravaners found Lady Haggar standing nearby and
asked her permission to strike camp near her. Lady Haggar agreed on condition that she
retained the water rights and that her son would be the prince. The Jurhumites agreed
and settled themselves in Becca whilst sending word to their families to come and join
them there.


Meanwhile, one day, when Prophet Abraham was at home with Lady Sarah they were
visited by strangers. It was not uncommon to find strangers visiting their home as each
day Abraham would light a large bonfire on the top of a nearby mountain to attract and
welcome travelers. Abraham’s generous hospitality was well known, no one was ever
turned away and as such he hardly ever ate alone. His guests were always well fed and
during the course of a much welcomed meal Abraham would take the opportunity to tell
to his guests about Allah. One day, strangers arrived at his home, and as was his
custom he arranged for a fine meal of a roasted calf to be prepared for his guests. The
meal was set before them but his guests declined to either eat or drink. Abraham was
deeply trouble by this strange situation -- travelers were always hungry, or at least
thirsty. Abraham's guests perceived his anxiety and told him not to be afraid because
although they had taken the form of humans they were not humans as he supposed,
rather, they were angels on their way to the city of his cousin Prophet Lot. Prophet
Abraham felt at ease once more as he knew that angels, who are neither male nor
female, and created from light, only worship Allah and do whatsoever they are ordered
to do by Him. The angels proceeded to inform Abraham that the city of Prophet Lot, had
become disobedient to Allah and were sexual perverts. The angels continued to tell him
that it was because of this that Allah had ordered them to punish its people by utterly
destroying both them and their city.
As Lady Sarah entered the room, the angels told her that she would give birth to a son.
She was overwhelmed by the news and clasped her hands on her cheeks in delight. She
had been so happy when Lady Haggar gave birth to Ishmael several years before and
now she too was to be blessed with a son of her own.

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