
Friday, 2 October 2015


In His Wisdom, Allah had protected Ishmael in the harsh environment of the Holy Land
in which he had matured. He had learned to speak Arabic in its purest, most eloquent
form from the Jurhumites together with the art of horsemanship and had also become a
highly skilled archer. The Jurhumites loved him, for his character was not only truthful
and honorable but he was trustworthy and cared for their welfare; later on he was to
marry from their tribe.
Despite his advanced years, Prophet Abraham would often journey to Mecca to visit
Lady Hagar and his dearly beloved, eldest son, Ishmael who was now a young man. On
one such visit Prophet Abraham saw a vision in which he was told to sacrifice his son for
Allah. Soon after the vision shaytan came to Abraham and whispered, “How could you
kill your beloved son?” Abraham instantly rejected and cursed shaytan, and in obedience
to Allah went to Ishmael and said: "My son, I saw while sleeping that I shall sacrifice you,
tell me what you think." It was time for shaytan’s second attempt to prevent the fulfillment
of the vision and he whispered to Ishmael in a similar manner. Ishmael immediately
rejected and cursed shaytan. Like his father, Ishmael’s love of Allah and obedience to
Him was unquestionable and he replied: "Father, do as you are ordered (by Allah), Allah
willing, you shall find me one of those who are steadfast." Koran, Chapter 37:102.
Shaytan had failed twice, in his final attempt to prevent the fulfillment of the vision he
went to Lady Hagar and whispered, “How could you let Abraham kill your only son?” But
like her husband and son, she too loved Allah and was obedient to Him, and without
hesitation she cursed and rejected shaytan.

Prophet Abraham took Ishmael to a quiet place far from the people. As Abraham
prepared himself to sacrifice his beloved son for Allah, Ishmael, being a loving, caring
young man and without thought for himself, asked his father for three things. He
requested that he should be permitted to face the ground so that his father would not
see his eyes and then be overcome with mercy towards him, and disobey to command
of Allah. Ishmael also feared for the safety of his father so he requested him to sit upon
his shoulders so that if he struggled when the knife struck him he would not injure him.
He knew his mother would be sad so his final request was to ask his father to give her
his shirt to console her. It was time, Prophet Abraham tried to slit the back of his son's
neck three times, but on each occasion the blade was prevented from penetration. After
the third attempt, Allah called out to Abraham saying, "O Abraham, you have confirmed
your vision.’ As such We recompense the good-doers. That was indeed a clear trial. So,
we ransomed him with a mighty sacrifice.” Koran, Chapter 37 verse 104-107 Later on,
Prophet Muhammad, (sa) said referring to Prophet Ishmael and his own father Abdullah
whose life was ransomed by the slaying of a hundred camels: "I am the son of the two
sacrifices." When Prophet Muhammad (sa) revived the pilgrimage many centuries later,
three stone pillars were erected outside Mecca en route to Arafat as a reminder of the
three whisperings of shaytan to Prophets Abraham, Ishmael and Lady Hagar. These
three pillars are cursed and stoned by all those who make the pilgrimage.

Lady Hagar had passed away before Prophet Abraham's next visit to Becca. When he
reached the valley he made his way to Ishmael's home but when he found he was not at
home he started to look for an object he left behind on a previous visit. Soon after
Ishmael's wife returned, she showed him no respect, neither did she welcome him, nor
was she hospitable to her elderly visitor. Abraham asked her where her husband was
whereupon she told him he was away hunting. He then inquired about their life and
circumstances but rather than being grateful, she told him things were difficult then
proceeded to complain about everything in their life. Ishmael's hunting expedition took
longer than expected and so Abraham, who had been made unwelcome, decided it was
time to leave. Before he left he asked Ishmael’s wife to give her husband a message
saying, "When your husband returns, convey my greetings of peace to him and tell him
that he should change the threshold of his door." A while after Abraham's departure
Ishmael returned and sensed something unusual had happened during his absence, so
he asked his wife if there had, in his absence, been any visitors. She told him of the
elderly man that had stopped by and how he had asked about his whereabouts and their
welfare. Ishmael asked if the visitor had left a message whereupon she told him that he
had sent him greetings of peace and told him to change the threshold of his door. Upon
hearing this Ishmael told his wife that the elderly gentleman was none other than his
father and that he had directed him to divorce her. So Ishmael divorced his wife, and, as
was his nature, treated her fairly and caused her no harm, and she returned to her
people. Ishmael was loved by the Jurhumites and when he decided to remarry from their
tribe they were delighted.


After a period of time Prophet Abraham returned to visit his son but once again he did
not find Ishmael at home. He asked his new wife where he was and she told him that he
had gone out to search for provisions and prepared a meal her visitor. As before, he
asked Ishmael's wife about their circumstances but unlike the previous wife she praised
Allah and told him they were comfortable. Abraham then inquired about their food
whereupon she told him that they ate meat and drank water. Then, Prophet Abraham
supplicated, "O Allah, bless their meat and water." Before leaving, Abraham asked her to
convey the greetings of peace to Ishmael but this time he left instructions to strengthen
the threshold. Soon after Ishmael returned and once again sensed something unusual
so he inquired if there had been any visitors during his absence. His wife told him of the
elderly gentleman and spoke kindly about him. Ishmael asked if he had said anything to
her, she told him that he had inquired about their well-being and that she had replied
everything was well. She also told him that the elderly gentleman had asked her to
convey his greetings of peace to him and said that he was to strengthen the threshold of
his house. Ishmael smiled, and told his wife that the elderly gentleman was none other
than his father, Abraham, and that she was the "threshold" he had ordered him to keep.
In the years that followed, Ishmael had twelve children, and it is from his son Kidar that
many Arabs are descended.

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