Welcome To Islam

Welcome To Islam

Monday 19 November 2012

Our life has a purpose

Hi friends....

Dont you know that our life has a purpose?

We are not here without a purpose.Our existence has a very special and very specific purpose.Something much more than just eating,drinking and patrying.Something Higher that is to submit to and to worship the one who created us and created all that exists around us.To make active contribution to the society. 

Is then one who have to fear the burnt of penalty on the day of Judgement (and receive it) on his face like one guarded therefrom it will be said to the wrong doers "Taste ye (the fruits of) what ye earned"
(Holy Qur'an 39:24)

If life on earth is temporary what makes you to think that your problems are permanent... 

"They may hide (their crimes) from men but they cannot hide (them) from ALLAH" (Holy Qur'an 4:108)

Seek ALLAH for help
Hold Tight the rope of ALLAH

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