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Welcome To Islam

Tuesday 4 December 2012

The Islamic Khilafah

COMING SOON – REPORT: After the Arab Spring: The Islamic Khilafah, A Manifesto for Change

No one can fail to be inspired by the courage of the Muslims in the Middle East. 2011 saw this courage spill over into the streets in the form of defiance in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria. Though some despots have been replaced and some elections carried out: the struggles are far from over.
The defiance of the people was aimed at tyrannical rulers, at Western manipulation and fundamentally against the appalling systems in our Muslim countries, which have consistently failed to deliver even the most basic needs for our citizens.
Despite the on-going defiance we still have tyrannical rulers, we still have Western manipulation and we still have systems in place that not only don't deliver basic needs but in fact encourage despotism and Western interference.
Islam is a different ideology which offers a comprehensive and superior set of solutions from the Shari'ah to manage the issues of a modern society.
The Shari'ah is legislation derived from 4 key sources of Islam: Quran, Sunnah, Ijma as-Sahaba (consensus of the companions) and Qiyas (analogical reasoning). It's application and direction is focussed on managing the interaction of people in society and it promotes and is in harmony with any level of technological advancement.
In fact only Shari'ah solutions are uniquely aligned with the religion, values, customs and traditions of the Muslim people, irrespective of nationality.
This report which takes Egypt as a case study will demonstrate what a real Islamic political programme for Muslim countries should look like and how this can be implemented.

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